Integrity, Ideally

Small thoughts about large issues

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Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

An Extended Intermission

My hiatus is taking longer than I originally expected. I haven't had any time to devote to a serious essay for this site in quite a long while. I've been busy with my research project on the car radio and volunteering as a precinct leader for MoveOnPAC. After the election, I hope to have some interesting material to share. About what, I'm not sure. But there will be something. Some day.

I'm in the process of comparing alternative media news sources to those of corporate media. I've written the introduction, thus far. Perhaps if I get around to it, I'll post it here.

Continue to read The Nation, Mother Jones, which has a decent article on shadow canvassing, done by groups such as MoveOn and other 527s, by the way and The Economist, which has cut-and-dry comparisons of Bush and Kerry, with the kind of wit you'd expect from a bunch of British Free Marketers talking about American politics. That's what I'll be doing. It'll almost be like we're together. At least, that's what my parents told me when I was little.