Integrity, Ideally

Small thoughts about large issues

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Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Monday, February 07, 2005

Apostrophe Catastrophe

From my "hometown" newspaper, the Star Tribune, comes one of the few puff pieces, certainly the only one in recent memory, that I actually felt like reading. Apparently a debate is "raging" over whether an apostrophe ought to be included in the title, "Scholars' Walk" for a construction on the University of Minnesota campus. The reporter interviewed the English department and it is suggested in the article that the Rhetoric department be consulted, too. No mention of my beloved Journalism School, though.

I agree with the chairman of the British Apostrophe Protection Society, John Richards, who says that the apostrophe is necessary. It could be because he was a journalist, as well.

Now that I know that there's something called an Apostrophe Protection Society, I know what I can do if my own journalism career doesn't pan out.


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